Thursday, September 18, 2008

Launch day

Today is official launch day! Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has officially launched and to commemorate that day I am launching my blog.

WAR News and Views is a blog -as the name suggests- containing my news and views about Warhammer Online. Here I will collect and distribute various news stories about WAR, and my own personal experiences with the game.

I have had my hands on various phases of the game (Preview Weekend, Open Beta, Headstart) for the past two weeks and have been very impressed. Initially during Preview Weekend problems with CTD bugs were rampant, and pathing for mobs was horrendous. During Open Beta mobs would often generate a bug causing them to be untargetable by attacks. Any of these bugs could have broken release, but Mythic's team jumped right on them and by the beginning of headstart they were gone.

In fact Mythic's team continues to impress me every time I turn around. Specifically #3 from this list.

In the past when one of WoW's servers have become unplayable due to high queue times they have offered free character transfers to new servers. In order to deal with the same problem, Mythic is cloning servers. Every character, item, auction, guild, etc will be copied over wholesale and players will have the choice of contuing their character on one, or even both servers. Amazing! With the optional server transfer that Blizzzard employs, players and entire guilds are forced to make the decision to transfer servers quickly within a small window of time. Often large guilds would transfer to new servers to escape queue times only to arrive on a server that is a ghost town, with no players or economy. Server cloning will give players a chance to test the new server without making a comittment, and will ideally increase the number of players that make the leap, helping with queue times every where.

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